What is Goldie May

Goldie May is a productivity tool designed for genealogists, providing features such as task management, research log, collaboration, cloud storage, and specific tools for genealogy research

It offers a new timeline feature called 'The Subway Map', the ability to track projects and tasks lists, research log with options to log automatically, add citations and comments, save screenshots, and bookmark windows and tabs for later use

Additionally, it allows for locality research with place-specific links to FamilySearch Wiki, FamilySearch, Ancestry, and MyHeritage catalogs

The plugin is also designed for collaboration with family, colleagues, and friends, and provides access to data from anywhere through cloud storage

Goldie May is a FamilySearch Compatible Solution and an authorized training partner of The Family History Guide

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10 Ratings

Eileen PhelpsEileen Phelps

The chief benefit of this extension in my opinion is that it points out which ancestors are well sourced and which have never had any updating since the old Book of Remembrance pages. Let's face it. Too many of us think our family history is "done," when the tree hasn't been pruned or fertilized for years. This is a great time for this utility to be launched, since more of us are housebound and need some constructive things to do with our browsers. It can also serve as a way to create a ... Show more

Anne Marie G.Anne Marie G.

I was disappointed to see that this extension relies solely upon individuals added to Family Search's "one shared tree". I strongly encourage individuals to recognize that while Family Search's primary benefactor, the Church of Latter Day Saints, generously provides an outstanding array of digitized array of genealogical resources, their goal of building "one tree" offers zero privacy or control by family members who might not share their vision. I do not subscribe to the religious beliefs o... Show more

Matt ArmstrongMatt Armstrong

Really great extension that simplifies so many of the steps for keeping track of research. Particularly for me, as someone who is not only disorganized but also distracted by every rabbit hole I find, this helps to keep me on task and most especially know where to start each time I begin researching. A huge game-changer in the family history tech space.