Without this extension, running a code review on GitHub is inferior to Bitbucket in every conceivable way. I would go so far as to say it's impossible to do a meaningful code review that involves more than a few files on GitHub, and even then, it's frustrating enough to encourage blind approval. Enter Gitako. Now I have a fighting chance of actually navigating a change set. Extremely simple to set up - all I had to do was pop in my access token (needed for company private repo). The file tre... Show more
The plugin can be categorized under 'Productivity Tools' with subcategories including 'Browser Extension', 'File Tree', 'GitHub Integration', 'Code Navigation', and 'Privacy Policy'
The plugin provides a file tree for GitHub repositories, instant file search and navigation, support for private repositories, GitHub enterprise, Gitea, Gitee, and more
It also offers intuitive keyboard navigation, snippet and file content copying, various icons and official themes support, support for git submodule, and source code folding
Additionally, it follows a 'NO BS POLICY' regarding privacy data sharing and access token storage