What is Get CRX

Get CRX is a browser tool that allows users to instantly get the

crx source file of any free Chrome extension via right-click context menu

It facilitates file transfer and integrates with the browser for seamless functionality

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77 Ratings

Tony RogerTony Roger

Hi Team, 2 issues with the latest version(Version: 1.22): 1. it saves the name in the format of "extension_version.crx", i tried 3 different extensions, all share the same issue, though i noticed in the User Reviews that it has the format of the extension name already, so i don't know why it doesn't function as expected. 2. it can't save the "try & paid" extension, it only show "main" as the file name after i click the "Get CRX of this extension" in the context menu of the extension page(i'v... Show more

Thomas StoneThomas Stone

From Chrome's Extension Manager, I clicked Details on the extension and then "View in Chrome Web Store" to get onto the extension's installer page. I was able to right-click anywhere in the background to get the standard right-click menu (Back, Forward, Reload) but with an option to "Get CRX of this extension" toward the bottom. The name of the extension was correct, unlike another CRX downloader I tried.

Will BrownWill Brown

For me i cant get it to work at all the only crx extention i can get is on this page no other pages does it give the option when right clicking. I have it pinned to the tool bar top right and when i click on it it takes me to the chrome add on page as if i havnt downloaded it stating.... Please go to chrome.google.com and go to extension page to download chrome extensions. Any help appreciated