

171 Ratings
Aug 23, 2023

#Calendar #Color #Design #Tools #Design & Development

What is G-calize

This plugin allows users to customize the text and background colors for different days of the week on Google Calendar

It also provides the option to set colors for holidays

The recent update changed the way the setting screen is accessed and removed the ability to select today's text and background colors, allowing only the selection of an accent color

Additionally, it now supports the new design of Google Calendar

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171 Ratings

Shaun PatrickShaun Patrick

I have loved this extension for many years, but then with the new Aug 2023 "up"date, all of my settings are gone. The colors have gone back to the default colors and there is no 'new settings menu' as described in the instructions to set the colors to what you want. So, until this is fixed, this extension is only worth downloading if you want your Saturdays to have a blue background and Sundays to have a red background. That is it. Nothing else is available. UPDATE: Thank you for clarifying ... Show more

Anya ExtguruAnya Extguru

Hello! I am a representative of the company EXT.GURU., Which is a leader in monetizing browser extensions. Currently EXT.GURU- the most advanced and profitable platform for profitable cooperation. Based on the above we want to make you a better offer for collaborating. We offer more than 10 types of monetization, each of which has confirmed unique effectiveness. Depending on your needs, we provide several methods of monetizating- from the soft to the hard methods. Be sure No negative experien... Show more

Alexandre MachadoAlexandre Machado

It's not working in URLs like https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ Sometimes Google Calendar is opened in this domain name, instead of www.google.com/calendar (e.g. when opening from Google Calendar extension - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-calendar-by-google/gmbgaklkmjakoegficnlkhebmhkjfich). Could you please update it so it can handle both cases? Thank you very much! [EDIT] Thank you! I've changed my rating from 4 to 5 stars.