What is fluany

Fluany is a flashcards platform that helps you memorize and study anything

It provides a minimalist and easy-to-use interface, displaying flashcards in a New Tab for dynamic and interactive study

The tool allows users to create study lists, customize content, and practice while working or engaging in other activities

With over 100K students using the platform, it offers a friendly and intuitive interface for efficient learning

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95 Ratings

A Chrome Web Store userA Chrome Web Store user

The cards I create disappear the next day. No worries, there's a very helpful option to save the set, so I did. I'll just re-upload it everyday, no biggie. Then I played and didn't turn it off before turning my laptop off. I was happy to see that it still worked the next day, but then I wanted to stop it. But then my set was gone and all the defaults are back. I can't stop my from playing. I tried turning off the extension and turning it back on, but it still flashes. I'm done trying to make ... Show more

Anthony GrossiAnthony Grossi

The concept within itself is great, and I'm glad this extension exists, however it is not free of problems. 1. Lack of instructions. Having a tutorial on the initial opening of the extension would greatly help users understand how to use fluany easier and faster. I know you have a YouTube video to showcase fluany, but that doesn't mean everyone will watch it. 2. The extension is only good for basic Q&A. There should be a way to answer questions in alternate formats, such as true/false ques... Show more

Christian HChristian H

Great idea, needs some work. No syncing across devices, so I have to download and upload .flu package to get it between devices. Not a huge deal, but a bit annoying. Biggest problem is the interface. There aren't any real instructions, and the button icons don't really make sense. The timer doesn't make sense, and I can't figure out how to make it pop up less frequently. It needs documentation on how the basic functions work. Also, there is not current place to share .flu packages. I don't wa... Show more