What is FancyGPT

The FancyGPT plugin falls under the 'AI Tools' category and includes subcategories such as 'AI Content Generation' for creating beautiful ChatGPT snippets, 'Text-to-Image' for saving as images, 'Document Composition' for exporting chat threads as text for further processing, and 'Text Formatting' for choosing different styles and highlighting areas of interest in ChatGPT's content

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23 Ratings

David YazelDavid Yazel

After losing some conversations with ChatGPT during its recent outages I went looking for a extensions that would let me capture the conversation. This one is pretty good. There are few things that would make it better. I don't know why it is right justifying my prompts, and the font type and the boldness of the font does not seem right. It would be good to be able to adjust that in settings. I have gpt write code quite a lot and sometimes the code box gets turned into a single scrolling ... Show more

Stephan NellStephan Nell

Been using it for about a month now and am impressed. FancyGPT has been great for making responses more sharable. Screenshots look way more professional than just snipping an image from ChatGPT.

Andrew D.Andrew D.

I love that someone created this as I had no way to display prompts on my website, I love it! That said, one thing i'm having trouble with... How the heck do you highlight something?