What is ESUIT | Un Seen for Facebook™

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62 Ratings

Khian Orland JuanKhian Orland Juan

This Chrome Extension is a fantastic tool for anyone who wants to keep their Facebook activity private, meaning not being seen. The latest update of the extension is now working great on both my Mac and Windows devices, thus, also making it accessible to a wider range of users out there. What sets the "Unseen for Facebook" extension apart from other similar tools is its performance and easy-to-use. It is the best one so far as of today, providing reliable and effective results every time. Th... Show more


It works—just as advertised! I tested it with the help of my sister. On her end, it did not show the read receipt even though I have already opened her message. It also did not show the typing bubbles even though I was typing. Keep in mind, this ONLY works on the FACEBOOK website. If you use the Messenger website, it WILL NOT work. If you use facebook.com, then you can rest assured that it will work. I'm very pleased with this extension. Thank you!


Worked okay-ish, did what it says son the tin which was enough for me, even though unread messages persist as notification / you can't mark them as read. Yesterday though it just completely blocks the site from loading at all, when I disabled this extension it opened as expected again (=this extension was preventing the site from loading).