Ember Inspector


341 Ratings
Nov 15, 2023

#Debugging #Design & Development

What is Ember Inspector

Tool for debugging Ember applications

The Ember Inspector is a plug-in for the Chrome developer tools that makes understanding and debugging your Ember

js application a snap

View all of the routes defined in your application, Reference Ember's naming conventions for your URLs, Overlay your application with information about what templates, controllers, and models are currently being rendered, Inspect the objects in your application, Make your application's objects available in the console as the $E variable, If you're using Ember Data, see all of the records that have been loaded

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341 Ratings

Scot SelfScot Self

I couldn't really rate it properly since I haven't gotten around to using it, but I DID track it down as the cause of a problem with an ajax call on a Drupal site. It broke the site to the point of me spending hours debugging only to find that a browser plugin was the problem. For that reason, I give it 1 star for breaking simple ajax functionality. I hope to come back and revise the review once I have a chance to use it on an ember app.

Paul WilmesPaul Wilmes

This was a pretty solid extension until recently, when it completely stopped working for my sole use case: debugging GUI modding for the game Stonehearth, which uses an old version (1.0.8 I think) of Ember. Now I just get a blank white page when connecting to it in Chrome or Firefox with this extension. Edit: adjusted to 5 stars; looks like it's a problem with Chrome and Firefox; it works in SlimJet.

Rasmus SchmidtRasmus Schmidt

It's an excellent tool for developing ember apps. BUT as it is implemented on every web-page it leads to visual errors on some. I noticed a navigation missing on a page I was visiting or other less dramatic appearance-changes. I recommend this tool for developing but also urge users to deactivate it when you are not developing.