What is Dropified Dropshipping

Automate product importing and fulfillment for your Dropshipping store

Dropified is a paid application for drop shipping business owners

The Chrome Extension works together with the web application and provides features such as 1-Click Importing of Products, Order Fulfillment, Price Change and Availability Alerts, User Management, Product Research, Image Editing, Bulk Edit Mode, and Automatic Updating of Supplier Order ID and Tracking Numbers

Dropified supports platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and GrooveKart

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151 Ratings

Администратор NatalexАдминистратор Natalex

After I updated the version, some problems started to occur. Version 4.17 can't see some products on aliexpress. For example, this product is not found on the new version. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002566208908.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2rus&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%21US%20%2448.60%21US%20%2448.60%21%21%21%21%21%400b0a0ac216520896239973461ee251%21%21sh&sku_id=12000021179927463&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.5.31c2249cPH8CKz It says No product found on this page! And so with many pr... Show more

ronnie taylorronnie taylor

My name is Ron T. Before signing up, I struggled with even knowing where and how to get started, it was very frustrating. I knew this program was what I needed, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to understand it. Once I joined, I was relieved to see how user friendly it was and how much they care about my success. Since joining Dropified, my confidence as exploded and I am positive I will succeed. This app is perfect for anyone who wants to start their own business, so if you are one of t... Show more

Serena CarliSerena Carli

we were lucky to have had a store setup for us by a usa mob prior but they were using Oberlo, it was not that good and the process was oh so slow, FB posts, answering emails a lot, and having to manually go in and order and not having Tracking numbers so having to manually search for their tracking number. We are still learning and setup but now have 2 beautiful sites with shoptimized and automation through dropified. And more sites to build later. Dropifieds courses are very thorough ... Show more