Ddict Translate: Translator - Dictionary


632 Ratings
Oct 26, 2023

#Dictionary #Translation #Daily & Dynamic Features #Technology & Services

What is Ddict Translate: Translator - Dictionary

The plugin provides instant translation of sentences and word lookup on websites through various methods such as mouse clicks, keypress, and hotkeys

It also offers features like auto text-to-speech, dictionary, definitions, synonyms, and examples

Additionally, the plugin respects user privacy by not collecting, storing, or sending information to third parties

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632 Ratings

Private NamePrivate Name

Doesn't work. It downloaded easily, but there is no translation from English to French. No translation at all. It just says the word with Google's automatic read feature of a word, meaning it's not a native that says the word. In other words, no, it's not a translator. Just an automatic reading of words. As well, merely selecting the word forces it to read the word out loud, which isn't what is wanted, at all. Instead, there should be the option to hear such if one wants, or to translate if o... Show more

Yi YueYi Yue

I don't know why the extension upgrade in opposite way. First, the interface become larger which covers more space that make become inconvenient when I want to translate while I am reading because it will covers most of my reading part. Second, I do not know why the hack you want to add a automatic translate function, it will make the letter disappear while I am typing it!!!!!!! Sometime I need type several time to complete typing a word!!!! Please give me back the old version!!!!

Thương PhạmThương Phạm

Error: Error handling response: TypeError: Cannot read property 'html' of undefined at chrome-extension://bpggmmljdiliancllaapiggllnkbjocb/content/index.js:1:110 at chrome-extension://bpggmmljdiliancllaapiggllnkbjocb/content/index.js:1:230 node_redis:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.