

198 Ratings
Nov 03, 2023

#Sales Management #Sales

What is Crystal

The Crystal plugin, also known as Crystal Knows, enables sales reps to communicate effectively with buyers based on their unique personality, motivations, and communication style

It predicts personalities, provides personalized insights, and helps build playbooks for the sales process

Additionally, it optimizes email content in real time and helps sales teams put adaptive selling and communication into practice

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198 Ratings

Dane K BarneyDane K Barney

Causes input fields to lose focus!!! For the longest time I've had the most annoying behaviour in Chrome - input fields would lose their focus as soon as the page finishes loading. This meant that if I was searching Google, entering my username/password to login somewhere, or in any way trying to interact with a text field while a page was still in the process of loading, inevitably my text input would get interrupted by the field losing cursor focus, and I'd have to click back into the text... Show more

Lisa SteingoldLisa Steingold

One of the most important attributes I think in life, work and relationships is "awareness". Self-awareness and understanding others will go further in enhancing your life and profession, these days, especially than mere technical knowledge. Seriously! Do yourself a favor and check out Crystal Knows to gain more awareness of yourself, team and even customers. I don't do influencer 'stuff' - I just love sharing when I find cool things! #sharethelove #peakperformance #growthmindset #team #team

Flameater FlameaterFlameater Flameater

It used to work very, very well and the :inkedin profile analysis was very accurate. I asked my followers to give it a try and about 90% of them agreed that it was accurate. However, the chrome extension no longer is working on Linkedin profiles and the flower logo just spins on and on endlessly. It just suggest that you need to reload the page and you can keep on doing that without getting any results. What a pity, this was a great product idea and it seems that the creators have ditched it.