I was trying to install cyberpunk on my chromebook at shcool but CorxyProxy kept on taking me to waifusimulator.xxx. That's why I love CroxyProxy so much!! If the devs ever read this, please marry me! Lichnoe delo Anny Akhmatovoy (1990) Requiem Not under foreign skies protection Or saving wings of alien birth - I was then there - with whole my nation - There, where my nation, alas! Was. 1961 Maya Angelou 1984. In the poem Seven Weeks in the Life of Anna Akhmatova, condensed language... Show more
The plugin provides web proxy services with the ability to access specific web pages, hide real IP address, surf anonymously, and make all websites SSL encrypted
It supports video hostings, search engines, social networks, and e-mail services
The plugin also offers a global proxy switch, permalinks to share opened pages, and a premium subscription option to remove ads