Copy Selected Links


49 Ratings
Jun 26, 2023

#Browser #Browser Extension #Copy

What is Copy Selected Links

Right-click selected text to copy the URL of any links it contains

This extension allows users to copy the URLs of all the links at once when selecting text on a page

The plugin is also available for Firefox

The developer has mentioned that the extension won't be maintained further but will remain available for download

For more information and issue filing, users can visit the linked homepage and support site

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49 Ratings

Steve RichardsSteve Richards

Nice you can copy selectet links like the name says, also on youtube. go to the channel wich playlist or videos u want. go to videos or playlists. seach the list u want, click on: "show the whole complete playlist". mark all videos u want, right mouse klick > copy selectet links > paste it in a text file done!

Workflow In MindWorkflow In Mind

I don't understand the reviews, that usually is a sign of poorly maintened or not working extension. As I'm using it all the time on FF I tried this one, and it does as excpeted if you use right click and not the extension's menu (which bring us to the addon's store page) Thanks to the auhtor

Frank UtneFrank Utne

I expected this to work like the Firefox version but it doesn't. It only works on SOME web pages but not the majority. Huh? The FF version works on ALL web pages.