What is ContextSearch web-ext

The plugin is a browser extension that enhances search functionality by allowing users to add and manage search engines easily from the context menu and a convenient popup

It supports various features such as managing search engines using subfolders and separators, accessing search engines from a popup menu, international character-set support, reverse-image search, site search compatibility, adding new search engines with a right-click, editing search engine parameters and icons, accessing bookmarklets from the context menu, toolbar search, setting hotkeys for each search engine, and more

The plugin is compatible with all search engines using POST or GET requests and provides additional information on its GitHub page

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Very good with so many neat settings. Thank you. I was happy to find "auto copy selected text" option in the advance settings. It would still be better for me if the quick popup menu icons appeared immatediately upon text selection. A possible bug I later noticed: The scroll bar disappears in some webpages in which it shouldn't. I can only solve the problem by disabling this extension. I had to remove it as this possible bug is very annoying to me. This problem might relate to something I ... Show more


"Template must be an URL" problem Hi Mike B, Could you fix the problem I encounter in the field "Template", like, sometimes browsing websites, I see some site addresses displayed in text only, like yahoo.com without direct link set. Then, I cannot just click it to get the access to the website. And I think there is a solution, if the field Template doesn't require an URL, it could be easily to just select the text and another click to go to the website without spending many steps: copy and pa... Show more

Night CallNight Call

With this extension, you can search selected text or clicking a word in specialized search engines, Can search the current page and the current site or image in Google (or another search engine) with just two clicks. You can easily add them by right-clicking any search bar or using mycroftproject.com. Previously, I was using Pitmairen Selection Search, but ContextSearch is way better.