What is Clockify Time Tracker

The Clockify Time Tracker is a productivity tool that offers time tracking from anywhere on the web, integration with 50+ web apps, idle detection, reminders, Pomodoro timer, and automatic start/stop timer features

It also allows starting a timer from selected text and provides shortcuts for starting/stopping the timer

The plugin is designed to improve productivity by enabling users to track time spent on projects, analyze productivity, and manage projects effectively

It also offers seamless time tracking across devices and real-time data synchronization

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159 Ratings

Natalie SpearsNatalie Spears

As of yesterday, 08/11/2022, the Clockify Chrome extension is no longer integrating with our Asana software (one of the main reasons we chose Clockify initially). When we asked Clockify customer service why is is no longer working, the response was "Our team released a new version of the Chrome extension with a fix for the Asana timer that is still in the review in the Chrome store. As soon as it gets officially released I will reach back to let you know." It seems they released a version ye... Show more

Michael DusaniwskyjMichael Dusaniwskyj

Good Customer Service! Worked with me to fix lagging extension!! I began to see degraded performance after using the app for several months. I reached out to Clockify customer service expecting a canned response with little assistance.... To my surprise, Sara worked at length to help address and ultimately FIX the issue with a app update. The extension works great for me now. To anyone who has issues with the extension, I'd recommend reaching out to Clockify customer service, they are adaman... Show more

Harshal JHarshal J

I have been using it over a year now. The chrome extension is very slow. They have put a full react into it. You use react to design complex websites. And every time you open the extension, it loads the the react page from ground up. Opening project/tasks and tags drawers is also very slow. So in the end, I have stopped using tasks altogether as selecting a task takes a long time from the extension and also you can't download. Windows desktop client is also very slow. But when I'm coding I... Show more