What is C2 Password

A highly secure password management solution to store, sync, and safeguard your credentials

C2 Password lets you sync your credentials across an unlimited number of devices and access them from anywhere via the web portal, app, and browser extension

All the data you upload is encrypted before leaving your device, so you can rest assured that no one but you can access your data

This extension provides features like autofill logins, auto-save passwords, unique password generation, autofill form data, and data syncing across multiple devices

It ensures data security and convenience for users

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40 Ratings

Daniel PDaniel P

Try the export function before putting too much work into C2 Password. My exports are missing data - crucial data like PASSWORD, URL, etc. Aside this show-stopper, the user interface offers fields such as IP, SSID and other useful fields which are not even considered as header in the export. This means even if the export was working as expected, the data entered here will never be attempted to export. Waste of my time for sure. As with many password solutions the import/export of passwords ... Show more

Kenneth LabenskiKenneth Labenski

Good start for a new service. I hope Synology keeps building this out. For starters, as many have said, Synology really should make this a service to run on the NAS. 1. The extension only seems to autofill sites in the main URL field. I would like it to fill from any additional URL fields as well. 2. Identity items don't seem to autofill, like name, email, phone number. 3. As I reviewed the phone app, I would like to see an option to generate passphrases as well as passwords. 4. Add anothe... Show more

doo daddydoo daddy

3 starts "It was okay" >>> "It *is* okay." 😁 Still using it. I've been through lastPass and bitWarden but I love my synology tools. this needs a few features but I'm gonna keep trying. I'm reinstalling now because it locks about once a minute no matter what I set it to. That seems to be a bug. It only started this after a few weeks. I also came home after a week away to find it was locked in a way that required me to log out of C2 and back in. That was awkward because, guess where m... Show more