What is Blue Blocker

Blocks all Twitter Blue verified users on twitter


Blue Blocker is a browser extension that allows users to block Twitter Blue verified users, avoid hitting Twitter's API limits, and sync between tabs

It also provides the option to block users with NFT avatars and is endorsed by @dril

The extension supports every major location tweets show up, including search results, tweet replies and threads, For You and your home timeline, and user pages

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106 Ratings

John TrainorJohn Trainor

Excellent plugin, and after a somewhat shaky start it seems like all the bugs have been worked out. My only suggestion to the devs would be to change where the popup notifications appear— lower left of the window blocks more of Twitter's functionality, it seems to me, than upper right would? (Also, question: I also have the Eight Dollars plugin installed to see who's legacy verified and who's paid. This plugin blocks some but not all users who show up as "verified," but it seems to consist... Show more

Jacob WrigleyJacob Wrigley

Great extension! Way more convenient than what I was doing before, and in a slick package too. I just wanted to mention two issues I ran into that which probably won't be an issue for the average user lol. I amassed a large backlog (~5k) before heading out for a bit, so when I returned I was hoping to have it start chewing through that list. However: 1) It ran into someone that had since been suspended and got stuck trying to block them over and over. I ended up removing and re-adding to fix ... Show more


if not for this i would have closed my twitter account and moved all my accounts using a twitter login token over to facebook or another option. it makes the site somewhat usable. twitter blue turned everyone into a wannabe influencer and everyone is trying to sell you something, which would be fine i suppose if it didn't boost their coal content and takes making it so blue replies and tweets are literally all i ever see.. it's a god awful monetization model