Messes up your console's stacktrace and and does not actually cover all browser errors shown in the regular devtools console. Turning on "Bug Watch" will lead to wrong stacktraces in the DevTools console ( console logs then pointing to instrumentConsole.js of the extension ). This is because BugReplay will wrap the website's console object in JS. Also not all errors and warnings you might see in the original DevTools console will show up in BirdEatsBug. Collected network data is incomplete... Show more
The plugin provides effortless screen capture, shareable screen recordings, and screenshots
It also offers instant replays, technical logs for engineers, shareable links, access controls, file attachments, comments, assignees, customizable labels, and integrations with other tools
Additionally, it captures valuable engineering data and allows for bug reporting directly from the browser
The plugin's features align with the 'Web Automation' and 'Data Analysis' subcategories under the 'AI Tools' category