What is AliExpress Image Search - AliCompare

The plugin 'AliExpress Image Search - AliCompare' falls under the category of E-commerce Tools

Its specific features include Product Research, Price Comparison, Cash Back, and Monetization

The plugin allows users to search by image in AliExpress, compare products' price, shipping cost, and seller rating, and activate cashback at checkout for purchases

It provides a free AliExpress comparator and offers an alternative monetization method to cover the expenses of maintaining the image search engine

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These reviews MUST be autogenerated. Theres no way this trash code could be granted anything more than 2 stars for effort at most. It is my NO MEANS an image search, as the products it populates are entirely based on the title of the listing you're presently viewing. And since simplified chinese translates so poorly to english, aliexpress sellers just pack their title with a ton of keywords that dont make any sense, and often-times arent even relevant to the product in the listing. I'm sure ... Show more

Emma GauEmma Gau

This is great and the only extension I've found that has an accurate image search. Plus I love that it lets you filter by free shipping. Please add a sort price feature and it'll be amazing!! thanks

Vitor BravoVitor Bravo

Works very well and usually when it doesn't find anything it's because you're looking at a unique item. Easy to understand and use. Recomend!