What is Airtable web clipper

Clip web content to your Airtable bases

Clip text, links, images, and more directly from the web to Airtable with just a few clicks

Customize your web clipper to meet your needs and get the information that matters most to you: if you want to save screenshots, pull images directly from a page, label content with custom tags, or assign clips to team members, you can do it all without leaving your current browser window

Best of all, every clip you make is automatically stored in a flexible database that you can filter and sort in seconds

The Airtable web clipper is part of Airtable Blocks, a Pro plan feature

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15 Ratings

Louise BeuvinkLouise Beuvink

Please add the option to update date fields from web clipper! I love using this extension for tracking media coverage of our non-profit. I can easily add any online news story to our database from my browser with one click, but what is lacking is being able to quickly add the date of the article to the record. I have to still go into airtable, find the record and add the date which adds extra faff to the process. 5 stars if this feature is added in! :D

Fabrizio PucciFabrizio Pucci

Transparency is key in online marketing. It's not right to charge for the "web clipper" now. Companies should either provide a free function forever or make it clear that it's a trial when someone starts using their service. It's a poor business policy. Not a good move at all.

Nathaniel RenfreeNathaniel Renfree

You can only use this with a special block added to your base on Airtable. Which means you have to have a $20/month pro subscription to use it. There's no option for free or plus users to web clip, like every other program (e.g. Trello)?